Need a brush-up in your math skills before heading back to university after a long break? Want some extra tutoring in basic finance or accounting to help cope with the demands of your new job? Lost in your university calculus course? Confused about copyright legislation and SOPA/PIPA?
Check out Khan Academy, a free web resource That’s becoming increasingly popular. Khan Academy has the ?goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere.?
Its educational videos and ?interactive challenges . . . and assessments? are freely available online and cover everything from addition to calculus to organic chemistry to test prep. Videos range from general to in-depth, and in addition to more typical academic subjects like math, science, and history, they include current topics like how bailouts work, extensive SAT and GMAT prep materials, and even brain teasers.
Although much of the recent media buzz has focussed on Khan Academy’s K-12 resources, it offers a wealth of material for students of all ages and learning levels, including university studies.