Click of the Wrist – Picture This

Maybe you love to snap photos of the family vacation?or can’t resist experimenting with capturing the essence of nature through your camera lense. Or perhaps you just appreciate the art of beautiful photography. For some personal inspiration, check out the intriguing, jaw-dropping, and moving photos linked to here!

Blow Your Mind

Photo enthusiast site promises that this photo collection will ?blow you away,? and they’re not kidding. The shots are awe-inspiring in their portrayal of the essence of nature. No Photoshopping here! Be sure to click through the link to view the next set, too.

Power of Emotion

A picture says a thousand words, the old saying goes, and this moving collection of ?iconic photographs from the last 100 years? tells a beautiful story about the human race: ?the heartbreak of loss, the tremendous power of loyalty, and the triumph of the human spirit.?

All about Angles

Care for a laugh? In photography, perspective, distance, and angle are everything?and sometimes an unusual twist on the photographer’s or subject’s position can mean a bizarre-looking shot. Click through this hilarious list for some examples.