Click of the Wrist – The Air We Breathe

Air is necessary to life, sure. But sometimes the air we breathe is actually a danger to us; this is often particularly a problem in the summer heat, when humidity and high temperatures mix with chemicals in the air to create an airborne cocktail that assaults our lungs. Click through this week’s links to find out more about the quality of the air you breathe?and what you can do about it.

Air Quality Health Index

What’s the quality of the air in your locality? This Government of Canada page provides access to the Air Quality Health Index for your region.

Bad Air Day

Polluted air isn’t good for anyone, but for some It’s even more dangerous. Click here to determine whether you fall into an at-risk category (and whether You’re experiencing symptoms of particular sensitivity to air pollution).

Solutions for the Home

What toxins are lurking inside your home? Our ?Health Matters? columnist investigates?and offers natural solutions for purifying your air.

An App for That

If you live in?or are travelling to?the US, you might want to download this app onto your smart phone. Created by the American Lung Association, the app provides ?life-saving updates on your local air quality? and gives tips on ?how you can help fight for air.?