For first-time students, program selection and planning are significant undertakings. But even if You’re well on your way to earning that degree or certificate, It’s important to revisit and revise your program plan continuously to keep up with changing interests and circumstances.
It’s easy to get bogged down in the confusing swirl of prerequisites, program requirements, and transfer credit. Fortunately, AU’s Advising Services is there to help.
The advisors, who are available by phone, email, and in person at one of AU’s Centres, ?can assist you in areas ranging from clarifying your undergraduate program requirements, to helping choose the next course for your program of studies.? They also can answer your questions about ?university regulations and procedures? as well as ?transfer credit evaluation.? Special academic advising is also available for specific programs.
For more information, visit the Advising Services page, or fill out the online contact form.