As the 2012 Summer Olympics wraps up this weekend, enjoy this smattering of trivia, quizzes, and more:
?Olympic athletes come in all shapes and sizes,? the BBC claims. Where do you fall on the spectrum, and which athlete is your body type match? Try it out if you dare!
While events like track and field, swimming, and gymnastics are standard favourites, the history of the Olympic Games includes many more unusual sports?like shooting live pigeons, dueling with a straight face, and playing tug of war. Click through the slideshow to discover the top nine.
From, a fascinating description of five extreme sports?real events?that would ?spice . . . up? the Games.
It’s a fact: Canada’s performance during Winter Olympic Games is far stronger than at the Summer Olympics, with higher medal counts and domination in far more events. And yet strangely, most Canadians prefer to watch the Summer Games! Read the Vancouver Sun‘s perspective on the phenomenon.