Studying by distance? You can still get student discounts at the movies, bookstore, or train station! According to the AU Student Calendar, every ?active Athabasca University student? is eligible to request a photo student identification card.
To apply, you need to complete the required form and submit a photo. Acceptable photos are ?taken by an Athabasca University staff member whenever possible.? However, if circumstances require it the Registrar’s Office will accept a digital photo together with a copy of your driver’s license, or a passport photo. If not taken by AU staff, photos must be signed by a guarantor, someone ?who can attest to your identity.? Further instructions can be found here.
Still have last year’s ID card? don’t throw it away, as AU students are only eligible for one card during the course of their studies. To keep the card current from year to year, active students may ?request a date sticker from the Office of the Registrar, AU Edmonton, or AU Calgary.?