It’s almost mid-March, and spring break is around the corner. Regretting not making plans to get away? It’s not too late, as last-minute deals abound. To get you started, check out these travel planning resources:
Great deal on a decent room, or overpriced, flea-infested dive? Fortunately, booking hotels in advance is no longer a hit-or-miss game, thanks to TripAdvisor. The site contains member reviews written by ordinary travellers whose experiences can help guide you to the right choice for you and your travelling companions. TripAdvisor also contains member reviews of tours, restaurants, and other attractions, so you’ll be able to plan your days and your nights.
1000 Places to See Before You Die and its companion book, 1000 Places to See in the U.S.A. and Canada Before You Die are sure to get you bitten by the travel bug. It’s entertaining reading for armchair travellers, and a go-to resource for your next trip.
ITA Software, whose booking software is used by airlines such as Air Canada and American Airlines, also has a public airfare search matrix. Users can input a date range and see a month-at-a-glance matrix of airfares for their chosen departure and arrival locations. Although there’s no option to book flights, It’s easy to take the information over to an airfare booking site or an airline’s website.