International News Desk – Around the World: Today’s Parking Lot Put Down on Top of Knight; At Home: The Price of Dating

International News Desk – Around the World: Today’s Parking Lot Put Down on Top of Knight; At Home: The Price of Dating

Around the World: Today’s Parking Lot Put Down on Top of Knight

Not terribly long ago, archaeologists were transfixed by the finding of Richard the Third’s body under a parking lot in England. Not to be outdone, Scotland has found its own bit of medieval nobility under a parking lot in Edinburgh.

The excavation first found a sandstone slab with carvings of an ornate sword and the Calvary Cross, which the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation has indicated means it belonged to a high-ranking knight or noble. An adult skeleton was found upon further investigation, and will be analyzed to learn more about the deceased and how he died.

Saying that this ?has the potential to be one of the most significant and exciting archaeological discoveries in the city for many years,? Councillor Richard Lewis is excited that this might give clues as to how life was lived in medieval Edinburgh.

What this does tell us right now, however, is that it is not just Paradise that gets paved for parking lots. Nobility burial grounds seem to be a strong contender as well.

Of course, that probably wouldn’t scan as well in Joni Mitchell’s song.

At Home: The Price of Dating

A woman in Laval, Quebec has lost over $40,000 in an online dating scam. Thinking she had found her match in a person who purported to be a US soldier serving overseas, the woman began sending him money to help him pay bills for his son. Unfortunately, She’s not alone, as Daniel Williams with the Canadian Anti-Fraud centre says that more than 140 Quebecers have reported online dating fraud since the beginning of this year alone.

It is estimated that Canadians lost over $17 million dollars to this type of fraud over the last year.

On the other end of the scale, a woman in BC held a gigantic yard sale last weekend selling basically everything that her husband owned.

On learning that he was cheating on her, she decided to sell everything, including the house, and file for a divorce from their marriage of 10 years.

Family and estate attorneys say that any proceeds from the sale will become assets to be divided during the divorce proceedings.