Click of the Wrist – In a Flash

Flash mobs have been around for a while, but we still just can’t get enough of them. Bored with the usual group converging on a mall food court to do the Harlem Shake? From a symphony in the square to a recreation of Renaissance artwork, these flash mobs may not be impromptu, but they’re fascinating nonetheless:

Symphony of Joy

Who says art and money can’t mix? In commemoration of its 130th anniversary, one bank put on a fantastic flash mob production of Beethoven’s Ninth/?Ode to Joy,? with the musicians and singers arriving one by one.

Night Watch

Surprised shoppers in a Dutch shopping mall stood and stared as ?actors stormed the shopping mall, dressed in 17th century outfits.? Men and women (and a few animals!) rappelled over balconies, rode up on horses, or rushed around in period dress, eventually converging in the centre?where they reenacted Rembrandt’s The Night Watch.

Blue Shirts

Improv Everywhere is known for its creative flash mobs and pranks. Here, the company organizes a large group of ordinary people wearing blue shirts and khaki pants?who all head into Best Buy. Unique and hilarious!