AUSU and The Voice Magazine are deeply concerned about the flooding situation in Calgary and surrounding areas. Calgary has the single highest population of AU students anywhere, and AUSU estimates that close to 20 per cent of our total membership lives in areas affected by flood conditions (including students in Canmore, High River, and other ravaged areas).
Assistance: We want to hear from everyone affected by the floods so we can assess needs and make sure we’re helping where we can. There will be computer bursaries for those who have lost all, and we’re currently planning other relief measures to help ensure students from flooded areas can stay on track with their studies. Email and give us your contact info and status when you are able!
Additionally, assistance may be available to AU students who have lost their course materials. Contact AU at 1.800.788.9041 ext. 6366 for further information.
AU Calgary: AU Calgary remains closed because of the flooding emergency. City officials have restricted access to parts of the downtown core, including the south campus of Bow Valley College, where AU’s offices and exam centres are located.
Due to the ongoing power outage at the BVC south campus building, phone service is unavailable for AU’s Calgary location.
While we remain unable to return to regular AU Calgary facilities, AU has secured temporary space at the University of Calgary’s downtown campus at 906 – 8 Avenue, SW. Students who had exams scheduled at the AU Calgary location can expect to be contacted by phone and email regarding an alternate write date/time.