In February, the 2014 Winter Olympics are starting in Sochi Russia. Soon we’ll be hearing all we want to and more about this DVR filling extravaganza, but to get you up to speed before the games start, here are a few links that you should look into.
The Official Site
We’d be remiss if we didn’t start with the official site of the 2014 games. This site has the schedule of all the games as well as links to more details about each event, including the opening and closing ceremonies. It already has a lot of information, including videos of the venues that the events will be taking place at.
CAN Fund
Being a world class athlete isn’t easy, and it’s certainly not cheap. CAN Fund (more specifically, Canadian Athletes Now Fund) gives money directly to athletes to help them with things like food, rent, travel expenses, and coaching and training expenses. Being the best in the world isn’t something you become by doing it part-time, after all, yet these people still need to put food on the table?and healthy food isn’t cheap either. A lot of people think that our government supports these athletes, like happens in many other countries, but the truth is that athletic support from the Canadian government is extremely limited. This site can give you a lot more information, and your support for an athlete may make the difference between being able to train for those extra few hours or having to spend it at a part-time job instead.
Canadian Athletes
Want to know who we’re sending to the Olympic games? This is the site for you. With information not only about who is making up our 2014 Winter Olympic Games team, but information about each individual member as well, including their twitter accounts if you’re of a mind to follow them that way.