Did You Know?

Still waiting for Uberistic? Uberistic, a new web-based career and networking service, “combines the business networking tools of sites such as LinkedIn with all the features of an online employment centre.” Job-hunters can promote themselves with a 60-second video, search job postings, and get real-time updates on postings and employers

Uberistic’s launch, planned for January 15, 2014, has been delayed. According to CEO Jacquie Verenka, Uberistic experienced some issues while attempting to move from a development to a production environment.

Athabasca University announced a partnership with Uberistic two months ago. AU students and alumni can take advantage of a free one-year membership with Uberistic by contacting aualumni@athabascau.ca. You can still get in on this offer if you act quickly.

While you’re waiting for launch day, you can check out Uberistic’s website or view their introductory Youtube video. You can also read this TechNet blog which declared Uberistic BizSpark’s “StartUp of the Day.”