I’m calling this our relaxation issue because, through complete coincidence, several of the articles I received for publication this week take different looks at the need, benefits, and methods of relaxtion.
Our feature article by Barb Lehtiniemi, prompted by National Relaxation Day, examines that idea that we shouldn’t leave relaxation to chance. Does simply being too busy mean that we should forego the health and mental benefits that relaxation can provide? And if not, how can we make sure that we take the time to do it? Barb tries to give us some answers and advice on scheduling relaxation.
Hazel Anaka then looks at the issue from the point of view of someone who simply doesn’t do it enough in this weeks? From Where I Sit. It’s an old Tony Robbins quote that nobody has ever looked back over their life from their deathbed and thought to themselves, “I should have spent more time in the office.” And although It’s an easy thing to say, when there’s always one more task That’s waiting to be done, it can be a hard thing to put into practice.
Then in Primal Numbers, S.D. Livingston examines relaxation of the future, and considers the question if we could take a virtual holiday, would we? This two part article takes a look at how “the real world” is becoming increasingly replaced by virtual connections and brings forward the question, if we had technology like the holodeck from Star Trek, would we use it?
Even our Click of the Wrist section has some ideas this week on ways that you can relax and recharge your brain for the upcoming school year. What makes this so interesting to me, from an editor’s standpoint, is that It’s interesting to see these articles all coming in at about the same time from writers that have no connections to one another. If You’re familiar with the works of Carl Jung at all, this makes perfect, albeit eerie, sense.
However, relaxation is not the only thing on the menu this week. We interview poet Gillian Sze, examine a documentary examining Noam Chomsky, report on this months’s Council Meeting, and much more through our usual selection of columns and articles. However one thing I definitely want to bring your attention to is the new AUSU update. Revamped over the last two weeks by AUSU, they’re hopeful you’ll find the new format of it more informative, useful, and even current, as changes to it are expected to happen regularly.
For those wondering about our swag giveaway this week, responses were much better, and the draw has been made and emails sent out. we’re just awaiting confirmation. For all those who did enter, thanks so much for your loyalty to The Voice Magazine, and don’t worry, there will be other opportunities in the near future. But if You’re curious as to what you may have missed this time, take a look on our Facebook page, where I’ll shortly be getting up a picture of one of the swag packages we sent out.
Until next time, have a good read!