Student Sizzle!

Following what’s hot around AU’s social media sites.

AUSU Student Forums
Hot Ask AUSU discussion on “Course tuition fee & e-text.” AU Student, Karen: “It doesn’t make much sense to me that AU is saving cost by not having to purchase and ship text books and the student is being charged the same and more … if they want a print.”

AUSU’s Executive Director replied: “AU has stopped moving any new courses into the e-text program while they review student concerns and consider some changes. AUSU has been advocating very heavily for students to have a choice of materials format and based on recent discussions, AU is taking this seriously.”

Other topics include BMgmt, motivation, assignment uploads in RTF format, and course chat on ADMN 232/3, BIOL 235, and ENGL 353.

AthaU Facebook Group
Adam is contemplating creating a new social site that would include students, TAs, Professors, and AU Admin, and looking for thoughts on the site’s form. Lengthy discussion about AU’s The Landing and AUSU’s Discussion Forums followed. Other postings include double-majors, student loans, and courses ECON 401 and PHYS 200.

@AthabascaU re-tweeted University of Calgary’s Career Services reminder to visit AU’s booth at the 2014 Grad Fair Oct 7 from noon to 4 pm.