Have you entered The Voice Magazine‘s contest yet? You could win a Samsung 8.4″ tablet computer, one that works with AUSU’s e-texts, and has a memory card slot so that you can keep them all on there at once. It can help make your education truly portable, or at the very least, give you a whole range of distractions to take advantage of when You’re “looking for inspiration” on your next essay. “But, Karl,” you say, “I already have a laptop that works just fine with e-texts, and a smartphone that I keep myself distracted with otherwise.”
That may be, but have you noticed how fast Christmas is hurtling toward us? And wouldn’t a brand new tablet computer make a great gift? Plus, it would mean You’re able to cross one person off of your Christmas list already. And all you have to do to get your chance to win it is fill out The Voice Magazine’s survey, that you can find at this link.
I understand though. A lot of people don’t like doing surveys. After all, they don’t want their information going toward some sort of spam delivery system, and I completely agree. Which is why The Voice Magazine survey avoids asking the questions that marketers would find useful. We don’t ask about your income, we don’t ask who buys what, we don’t even ask what your sex is (which is a question I’ve always found very strange on surveys, because, these days, what does it really matter?)
“But Karl,” you say, “I’m not a student, so I can’t win the tablet. Plus even if I were, I don’t need it and I don’t have any friends I’d give it away to, so why should I take the chance away from someone who does?” to which I must commend your selfless altruism, and then urge you to go fill it out anyway, as more important than the prize is helping to make The Voice Magazine something that is even more useful to you every week than it is now. If you really don’t want to take away the chances of some other deserving student, simply skip the last question in the survey, which asks for your student ID and contact information so that you can be entered into the draw. You’ll still get to have your say, I’ll still get to take your input on board, and we’ll still get the best Voice Magazine for all of us.
Aside from our survey, we have a huge issue this week, in part because of the Council Connection report. The title of this article is a reference to the poem going through my head as we neared the end of the meeting this week, read my report to find out why.
Also this week, another installment of The Travelling Student, a first look at the AU Library for Canadian Library Month, Hazel Anaka explores the meaning behind this holiday weekend, and our resident health expert, Katie D?Souza returns with an article about green juice; how to make it, and why you’d want to.
Plus we also have our regular round up of columns, exploring technology in our society, study and writing techniques, and so much more.
Enjoy the read!