AUSU Student Forums
In the General Student Chat forum, user “Chasingstars” wonders if there are any AU students living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Other topics include study partners for HR, and courses ENGL 353 and ORGB 364.
AthaU Facebook Group
Michelle seeks feedback on course WGST 425, Feminist Family Therapy. Roxie wants to know how close to her exam date she can submit a final assignment. Ravi seeks clarification on whether the ten day leeway period after the original exam write date is still valid if it means writing the exam after the contract end date.
Other postings include getting professor permission to register for a course, e-texts, missing marks, and courses EDUC 406, ENGL 255, ENGL 305, IDRL 309 and MGSC 312.
@AthabascaU tweets “Have you heard that our online student orientation has been re-launched? Check it out!”
In a separate tweet, @AthabascaU reminds students and prospective students that “you ALWAYS have access to our counselling services”