Student Sizzle! – AU Social Media

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AUSU Student Forums
In the General Student Chat forum, user “CrimsonDawn” seeks help finding the T2202A form online.

AthaU Facebook Group
Austin wants to know when to expect an acceptance letter for his Masters program application. Stephanie seeks insight on some psychology courses. And Ameerah wants to know what other Bachelor of General Studies students are planning to do with their degree. Samarth is looking for a study buddy in Calgary for ACCT 253.
Other postings include final grades, the weather in Vancouver, trouble logging into student accounts, supplementary exams, and courses CMNS 302 and 421, CRJS 491, EDUC 309, ENSC 200, MATH 376, PSYC 375, and SOCI 231,

@AthabascaU tweets: “Get your AU hoodies, shirts, caps & anything else with FREE shipping on all orders over $79 for the month of March” And @AthabascaU re-tweets a link to a news report about the “7 Myths of Online Education.”