Have you ever had one of those weeks where time completely gets away from you? Where no matter how you try you don’t seem to be able to get anything done and deadlines don’t so much loom as charge? That was this week for me. The fault goes, in part, to the Alberta Election. For a news junkie like me, all of the polls, the reporting, the scandals, the results, and even the aftermath have all been like flypaper.
Fortunately, I know I’m not the only one, and Bethany Tynes, who wrote our quick guide to the Alberta Elections for students a couple weeks ago, has returned with some post-election analysis and interviews to try and sort out what this historic change of government in Alberta means for students at AU.
Beyond an election, the month of May is also the start of the summer session for traditional universities. With so many visiting students at AU, picking up an extra course here or there, Philip Kirkbride’s short look at some summer job placement services is right on time so that they can start earning toward next year’s tuition, which, if Ms. Notley holds to her promise, shouldn’t be any more expensive than this year’s tuition was. I’m crossing my fingers for that one as post-secondary in Alberta has been on the chopping block for far too long. It’s always been an easy thing for politicians to go after because, as everybody knows, students tend not to vote. Of course, some say that the reason this happens is because no politician ever gives students anything to vote for.
Getting back to this week’s issue, our feature article is a long interview with a student/teacher/writer/musician from Cochrane, Alberta. At what point do you get to start calling yourself a renaissance man? Dustin must be awfully close to it by now.
Also this week, we have a couple of articles aiming to directly help students with navigating some of the problems we all face at AU, notably, what to do when your marks are late, and, once they’re finally done, how to read all the little notations on your transcript.
Also, we have some advice on how to prepare for an English Exam. When you have several novels in a course, trying to hold all of them in your brain at once for an exam simply isn’t an option. Deanna Roney gives us her strategies to help keep you avoid being lost in the books when it comes time for that exam.
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I was surprised to only receive on article about it this week, but fortunately, Hazel Anaka’s “From Where I Sit” has all the bases covered when it comes to being a mother.
Plus our regular selection of reviews, interviews and other stories are here to entertain. And if you read Wanda Waterman’s interviews with Tumbleweed Wanderers the past few weeks, this week Samantha Stevens reviews their music, so you can see what all the hub-bub is about.
Enjoy the read!