The AUSU Forums exploded to life this week with the anticipation of AUSU council’s summer election. And the AUSU office is tweeting helpful info for students daily.
AUSU Student Forums
In the Ask AUSU forum, Mark poses questions for council on corruption, conflict of interest, and interference with The Voice Magazine. In the General Student Chat forum, Barb expresses the opinion that AUSU council should call a General Election and not a by-election.
Other topics include curling, health insurance, and the status of the AUSU forums.
AthaU Facebook Group
Casey is looking for help deciding which courses to take from a pool of possibilities. Nicole is concerned about the availability of required course EDPY 470. Curtis seeks clarification on course extensions for funded students.
Other posts include downloading AU library books, appealing marks, completing a course a month, the Black Knight, and courses CRJS 410, ENGL 351, MATH 215, and PSYC 405.
@AthabascaU tweets: ” #AUNews “Truthful Grit: AU’s Tracey Lindberg makes stunning debut as fiction novelist.””
@AthabascaUSU (AUSU) tweets: ” AU student can get a discount on Microsoft Office 365 for 4 years! Check it out! #AthaU.”