Click of the Wrist – The Art of Summer

Feeling suddenly artistic? If the warm weather’s making you want to create, take inspiration from this summer-themed art:

Summer art instantly brings sand sculptures to mind, and though there are thousands of sand sculptors and competitions across the globe, It’s hard to get tired of the amazing creations made from just water and sand. Click through the gallery from this year’s Hampton Beach Master Sand Sculpting Competition, an invitation-only event.

Beachy Keen
Sand sculptures are a fascinating form of beach art, but beachside sculptures go far beyond the limitations of sand and water. The art featured here incorporates beachside settings and watery horizons with topical sculptures that evoke a beachy atmosphere.

I Scream
Moving from the beach to the boardwalk! Is your ice cream bar melting too fast in the heat? don’t worry?you can always repurpose it as a unique (and possibly sticky) medium. This photo article showcases the work of a Baghdad artist who uses ice cream as a painting palette.