Student Sizzle! – AU Social Media

Following What’s Hot!

AUSU Student Forums
In the Welcome and Introductions forum, Michelle seeks to develop a network of Alberta students. Over in the Ask AUSU forum, Michelle wonders how much AUSU is doing to promote the forums, which she recently discovered and finds “amazing.” Elsewhere on the forums, discussions continue on e-texts, and finance courses.

AthaU Facebook Group
Carolyn is curious how much feedback to expect after an exam is marked. Kelly wants to know what effect a course withdrawal has on student transcripts. Rachel seeks info on what to expect at the exam centre.
Other posts include tuition increases, Rick Mercer, purchasing hard-copy texts, and courses ADMN 233, MATH 215, POLI 350, and PSYC 350.

@AthabascaU tweets: “AU’s Dr Mohamed Ally trains stdnts/teachers in rural Pakistan on grid-free mobile learning services server #ROTA #COL.”
@AthabascaUSU (AUSU) tweets: “Download your FREE MOBILE APP for AU Students, courtesy of AUSU and AUGSA! #AthaU” and “AUSU’s first and foremost role is student advocacy! If you have a concern, let us know! #AthaU.”