This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact with questions or comments about this page.
– Sept 31: Deadline to apply for course extension for courses ending Oct 31
– Oct 10: Last day to register in courses starting Nov 1
– Oct 14: Council Meeting
– Oct 15: Deadline to complete degree requirements for graduation in November
– Oct 19: Federal Election ? GET OUT AND VOTE!
AUSU is Still Looking for Volunteers!
AUSU Council has formed an ad hoc Committee to study the issue of a forensic audit as described in the members? motion from the 2015 AGM.
We are seeking two current AUSU members to sit on this committee.
If you are interested or would like more information, please email to request a copy of the committee terms of reference and application form.
Online Awards Applications Launching Next Week!
AUSU is about to launch new online awards applications in time for our November awards cycle.
To review what awards are offered, please visit our website here. Note, applications are not accepted until October 1.
For more information, please email
Student Lifeline Can Help!
Whether You’re struggling to figure out where to begin, wishing you could get better organized, or feeling overwhelmed, the Student LifeLine can help.
Contact a consultant today who can help you prioritize, develop strategies to reduce your stress, and find ways to stay on top of your to-do list.
You can also log in any time to access a wealth of articles and resources such as:
– Tackling Your To-Do List podcast offering tips to help you prioritize and manage daily tasks
– Articles, such as: Getting Organized, Time Squeeze Tips, 10 Tips for Optimizing Your Day
– CDs/audio recordings, including: Optimizing Your Day, Simplify
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