Editorial – World’s Fasted Editorial

Why do I keep doing this to myself?

This week, we have some 35 pages of content in The Voice Magazine. It could have been shorter, I technically could have left out one or two of the regular columns that arrived late, but it was just good stuff and I always feel like I should try to give you as much as I possibly can. Besides, I’ve already got three articles on deck for next week, so that issue is already shaping up to be a large one.

Unfortunately, it means I end up in situations like this, where getting the layout to gel seems to take an endless amount of time, and so I end up rushing through an editorial right at the deadline. Not that anybody who knows me is terribly surprised. I’ll admit, I have a horrible track record of leaving the things that are solely my responsibility to the last minute. Given the nature of Athabasca University, I’m probably not alone. Even that you’re reading The Voice Magazine right now instead of hitting the books means your learning style may be closer to mine than you’d like. But if you are a chronic procrastinator, take heart, you’re among your peers here.

At any rate, one of the things keeping me busy this week was a report on the most recent public council meeting, that happened on January 14th. You can find it in this week’s Council Connection, including a call for volunteers for AUSU’s new Executive Compensation Review Committee. Since then, AUSU has also had one of their discussion meetings, and I’ve been told that one resolution that came from it was “BIRT AUSU develop a goal for the AUSU Goals 2015-2016 to support The Voice Magazine as an important member service and communication forum of AUSU.” When you remember that as recently as the by-election, council members were raising the question of whether The Voice Magazine should be supported at all, this seems to signal a significant change of heart.

Also this week, I have a new instalment of Course Exam, and this week we’re looking at the new Religious Studies course, Death and Dying in World Religions, with an interview with the Course designer. Carla Knipe has also completed her look at one of the issues specific to Athabasca University, the different ways that students take their exams. From the exam centres in AU Calgary and Edmonton, to the invigilation network, she’s talked to students from all three to give us a comparison. So now you’ll know what you’re missing out on, and whether you should be happy about that or not.

I can’t forget our Feature article this week, Minds We Meet, brings us student Amanda Gillis. For her, AU is a way that allows her to manage her long-distance relationship, and her even longer-distance trips to Hawaii, between her leading Girl Guide groups and finishing her degree.

Plus, a new instalment of The Travelling Student, a look at what your personal library might be missing, and music as health care are all just some of the things you’ll get in this issue of The Voice Magazine.

Enjoy the read!