Student Sizzle! – AU Social Media

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AthaU Facebook Group
Sandra is doing PLAR and asks other students? thoughts on the process. Casey inquires about a place to write her exams in Toronto. Ashley offers to sell her Management of Human Resources textbook.
Other posts include citing your own work, how to find a course coordinator, and courses ACCT 245, ADMN 404, BIOL 235, CMIS 351, PHIL 333, and POLI 350.

Twitter@AthabascaU tweets: “The case for #OnlineEducation from @HuffPostEdu”
@AU_Business tweets: “Grand Challenges Canada is looking for students & grads for their summer work program. Apply by Jan 22! @gchallenges (AUSU) tweets: “We have a new poll on our website! (bottom right). Check back every 2 weeks for a new one!.”

YoutubeLewis Beck posts a video tour of the halls of Athabasca University.