Editorial – Survey Asks!

Excuse me if this seems terse this week, there’s currently a chinook coming into Calgary, and, like almost every time there’s a chinook, It’s accompanied by a nasty head-ache.

Every year, I try to get out at least one survey so that I have a little guidance as to what you, the students, think of The Voice Magazine. Are you getting value from it? What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? Unfortunately, last year kind of got away from us, but we’re right back at it this year.

The survey is around 25 questions long, and I’m always conscious myself when filling out these surveys how much personal information they often seem to want for no really good reason. To that end, I try to keep the personal questions to a minimum.

Of course, I don’t expect you take it just out of the goodness of your heart (though that would be lovely), so, as I have with other survey?s, we’ve picked up an 8″ Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 with 32GB. It’s a decent little mini-tablet that has the ability to access AU’s e-text system while You’re on the go (if you can get wi-fi). It uses the Android operating system, and it has the ability to take micro-SD cards so that if You’re like me and squirrel away practically everything, when you fill this one you can just replace the card and keep going, never having to delete anything. Fill out the survey, put your email address in the end, and after the survey is over, I’ll draw a winner.

I’ll also draw some secondary winners who will get a lovely package of swag with the new Voice Logo that you don’t even get to see on the site yet. It’ll be like You’re part of an exclusive club. If exclusive clubs were defined by the pictures on a coffee mug, that is.

“But wait,” you say, “I already have a tablet, and I’ve got more than enough cups and logo merchandise.”

To which I say, “Of course you do, You’re a hip, happening person. Think of this as a chance to make one of your less fortunate friends a hip, happening person as well.” Plus, if you’ve ever read a certain article and thought to yourself, “That was cool. He should have more like this,” or once again skipped over that column you never read, the survey is a great way to let me know, and that way make the magazine even more to your liking.

Convinced yet? I thought so.
In that case, your next step is to go to this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2016Voice answer some easy questions, and maybe win yourself a tablet. Then get back here and finish off our Feature interview with AU educator Dr. Diehl-Jones, check out our interview with the AUSU President, get all kinds of free movies from the AU Library and the National Film Board, plus, of course, your regular assortment of other advice, entertainment, and reviews, all you need to enjoy the read!