Student Sizzle! – AU Social Media

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AthaU Facebook Group
Jay wonders if requests for paper exams are being processed as usual. Zuzie wants to know how to obtain a letter of permission to take a course at another institution.
Other posts include completing that last AU course and courses EDPY 470, LGST 369, MKTG 396, and PSYC 347.

@AthabascaU tweets: “…ALL of the Convocation videos from #AUGrad16! Watch them now: #AthaU (AUSU) tweets: “Depressed? Try the online Depression Center program – FREE for AUSU members (AUSU/wellness).” and “Got exam anxiety? @AthabascaU has resources that might help! ?”

Up to your neck in studies this summer? Escape to the beach with this “Relaxing 3 Hour Video of A Tropical Beach with Blue Sky White Sand and Palm Tree.”