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– Dec 23: January course extension deadline
– Dec 23: Deadline to book exam for Dec course end date
– Dec 23 ? Jan 2: Holiday Closure (AUSU and AU)
– Jan 10: Deadline to register in a course starting Feb 1
– Jan 10: AUSU Council Meeting
– Jan 13: February degree requirements deadline
– Jan 15: Deadline to write exams for Dec course end date
Lawrence Decore Award for Student Leadership
The Laurence Decore Awards for Student Leadership are intended to recognize those post-secondary students who have demonstrated outstanding dedication and leadership to fellow students and to their community. The award is valued at $1000.
Each post-secondary institution in Alberta chooses a winner for one of the awards. The winner for Athabasca University is chosen by the AUSU Awards Committee.
ELIGIBILITY: Must be an Alberta resident enrolled full-time (min. *9 credits) at AU. Nominees must have been involved in student government, societies, clubs or organizations. In addition, candidates may be actively involved in student organizations at the provincial or national level or in non-profit community organizations.
NOMINATIONS: The application form is online here. Forms must be submitted to AUSU at
Deadline: January 15, 2017
November Award Winners
AUSU is pleased to announce some of the award winners from the November 2016 Award Cycle. Congratulations to all of the lucky recipients!
Academic Achievement:
Alison Rowney and Milena Tomol
Balanced Student Award:
Kelly Ann Jobson and Rosemary Dawn Walbold
Returning Student Award:
Darcie Fleming and Meara McIntosh
Peter MacKinnon Student Services Award:
Dongwon Kim
Student Service Award:
Tim Atlee and Brittany Williams
AUSU provides many other awards but not all winners are announced for confidentiality reasons. For more information about the AUSU awards, visit our website.
Holiday Closures
AUSU is closed for the holidays from December 23 to January 2, inclusive. AU is also closed from December 23 at 3:00pm to January 2, 2017, inclusive.
We re-open for regular business on January 3, 2017.