Dear Barb:
I am a part time student at AU and I work part time and have two children. I have been taking courses for five years and I’m only half way to earning my degree. To be honest, I’m starting to burn out. My parents help me out financially, and I receive child support payments from my ex, but I’m still struggling. Some days I just feel like giving up and going to work full time. I know I could get a job that would double my income right now. Everyone says I’m just going through a low period and that I need to stay on track towards my goal, that’s easier said than done. I have been considering taking a year off and going to work full time. The extra money will make my kids lives easier as well as mine. I’m sure there are other students in the same situation, how do they get through these rough spots. Thanks, Pam.
Hi Pam:
What you are feeling is perfectly normal, but you need to stay on track towards your goals. I’m sure you are right that you could get a job that would make your life easier now, but you are sacrificing your long term goals. Statistics show people who have college or university degrees earn a considerably higher income than those without a degree. Perhaps you could cut back the number of courses you are taking. Give yourself a bit of a break, but I would not advise you to completely stop taking courses for a year. It will be too easy to give it all up. Stay on course, I think it’s just the halfway point that you are finding difficult. Soon you will be closer to the end than the beginning. Maybe some students could write in with some tips on how they are managing to get through these rough spots. Good Luck Pam.
Dear Barb:
The husband of a very good friend of mine recently passed away and no one let me know. I am just devastated that the wife did not call me to tell me he had passed. I knew Gerry was sick, but I didn’t think he would go this fast. Can you believe someone would be so inconsiderate? Tracy.
Hi Tracy:
When a family member is very sick, those closest to them are often completely focused on caring for them, and keeping others informed is not foremost in their mind. Frequently families will appoint someone to keep friends and family up to date. Obviously this didn’t happen in this case. Do not consider your friend inconsiderate for not informing you of her husband’s passing. I’m sure it was not intentional, as she was consumed with more serious things at the time. Let it go and offer support to her and her family, as this is a very difficult time for them. Thank you for your letter Tracy.
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