This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact with questions or comments about this page.
– Mar 14: AUSU Council Meeting
– Mar 15: April degree requirements deadline
– Mar 31: Deadline to apply for course extension for May
– Apr 10: Deadline to register in a course starting May 1
– Apr 11: AUSU Council Meeting
– Apr 28: Deadline to apply for course extension for June
– Apr 30: Deadline to apply for 2017 Convocation
– May 10: Deadline to register in a course starting Apr 1
AUSU wants to get Results! #AUGoals
Are there things you would like to see Athabasca University do differently for students, or goals you feel they should pursue?
Do you have ideas for topics you would like your AU Students’ Union to advocate to AU for?
AUSU wants to hear from you about your advocacy priorities for AU!
How to send us your ideas:
– Email ideas to
– Text ideas to 780-900-0908
– Post ideas to social media with #AUGoals
The deadline to respond is April 1, 2017.
In the past year, AUSU has advocated on behalf of students for improved communications from AU, removal of retroactive program changes, revisions to the academic misconduct policy, e-text choice and cost-savings sharing, shorter marking times, improved contact with tutors and academic experts, and more. To read more about our most recent advocacy efforts, visit our website here.
To form our advocacy goals for the upcoming year, we need feedback from our membership!
Here are some examples of ideas we have received from students like you!
Tired of staring at my screen all day because of etext. Wish I could choose a real textbook #AUGoals.
Loving the flexibility with AU exam options. Looking forward to seeing what is next. #AUgoals
It would be great if my tutor ever got back to me. #AUGoals
I wish all my courses looked the same in moodle. #AUGoals.
Make your voice heard. Drop us a line, or a text, or a tweet, and AUSU will bring your feedback to AU!
Eyewear Savings
AUSU has partnered with FYidoctors to bring some great eyewear savings to our membership. FYidoctors has over 300 locations across Canada and growing.
Discounts include:
– Select brand name frames starting at $200
– Everyday value packages starting at $159
– 20% off upgrades, lenses, and non-scrip sunglasses
– 10% off contacts
Find our more on the AUSU website here.