This was a busy week for Athabasca University and AUSU. If you’re not already aware, the government has appointed a new chair for the AU Board of Governors. Join us in welcoming architect Vivian Manasc as the new chair of the university. Ms. Manasc, as pointed out in an article, is the founder and principal of the Manasc Isaac architectural partnership, based in Edmonton, which has a focus on environmentally sustainable buildings. She has her MBA from the University of Alberta, and is an adjunct professor of architecture and the University of Calgary. Her appointment started on March 14th, and will last until 2020. We can expect this means good things for AU’s RAIC center for architecture, as well as the environmental studies focussed courses at Athabasca.
Meanwhile, AUSU has elected its new executive and is saying goodbye to it’s latest Executive Director. Announced during the last Council meeting on March 14th (full coverage of that meeting will be available next week), Executive Director Sarah Cornett will be leaving AUSU as of March 22. AUSU President Shawna Wasylyshyn will take on the duties of the position and has already started the process of finding a new executive director. This will be the fourth Executive Director for AUSU in less than three years, which seems like a very high rate of turn-over for the senior staff of the organization.
When the new Executive Director is hired, he or she will be working with a slightly changed Executive Council team. Councillors Shawna Wasylyshyn and Julian Teternko retains their positions as president and vice-president external and student affairs, and Councillor Scott Jacobsen is taking over the position of vice-president finance and administration from Councillor Kim Newsome, who decided not to run this term.
Meanwhile, in The Voice Magazine this week, our feature article is a profile of a student who has just started writing for the magazine. Master’s student Melanie Fuller-Brudersas talks about her family and education, and what AU has meant to her.
We also have a look at the unusual popularity of St. Patrick’s Day. Most holidays based on a location, say Canada Day or the 4th of July, are rarely celebrated outside of that location. But St. Patrick’s Day, with its ties to both a locale and a nationality, is celebrated around the world. It’s amazing what beer can do.
This week also has a lot of entertainment for you. Celluloid Psychology finishes off its look at the new 50 Shades Darker movie, we review Todd O’Keefe’s new album, Uptown, and interview folktronica group, The Wynter.
Plus, Marie Well has found a new tool that beats Survey Monkey if cost is an object. And she brings us a photo feature to help guide us through using the free tool of Google Forms for your surveys.
And that doesn’t get into all of our regular advice, news, events, and other lucky charms. Why, it’s like you’ve found the end of the rainbow! Enjoy the read!
P.S. If you didn’t already know, The Voice Magazine has a Facebook page and a twitter feed if You’re into that kind of thing!