AthaU Facebook Group
Stefani wonders if students can take the full RN program through AU or only as a bridge from an LPN. Tom shares his take on the student teleconferences relating to AU’s third-party review. Nicole asks how long it takes for a final course mark to be posted.
Other posts include ProctorU, why cats make poor study buddies, and courses ENGL 255 and PSYC 333.
@AthabascaUSU (AUSU) tweets: “What would like AUSU to advocate to AU about? Email ideas to, text to 780-900-0908, or post to social media with #AUGoals.”
@AthabascaUBiz tweets: “Attention all Thesis-route Master’s & Doctoral Students! The 3 Minute Thesis competition is coming, learn more:”
@AU_Press tweets: “Mark your calendars, #yeg! we’re partnering with @RISEdmonton for their next book club. Launch is March 30.”
Get your Irish on with St Patrick’s Day Songs 2017 – Irish Songs Playlist – Part 1, posted by Arran Records.