AthaU Facebook Group
Richard posts a milestone selfie as he submits the final assignment for his degree. Micheàl seeks other students’ thoughts on the Bachelor of Management Marketing Major 4-year program. Lena wonders if it’s possible to reinstate a course she withdrew from by mistake.
Other posts include the proof in the parchment, cats, murders, ethics courses, and study tips for IDRL 308.
@AthabascaU tweets: “Transfer credits?! #askAU #athaU Learn about transfer credit here:”
@AthabascaUSU (AUSU) tweets: “AUSU is hiring a new full-time executive director. The deadline to apply is April 3, 2017. Find out more or apply at”
@AthabascaUBiz tweets: “The world’s only hockey specific MBA, learn more about the #AthaUBiz #HockeyMBA”
Watch Simon Fraser University prank their students with a chairless campus for AFD 2013 in “SFU launches ’healthy campus’ initiative.”