This space is provided free to AUSU: The Voice does not create or edit this content. Contact with questions or comments about this page.
– May 14: AUSU Council Meeting
– May 15: June degree requirements deadline
– May 28: Deadline to apply for course extension for July
– May 28: Deadline to apply for course extension for July
– Jun 8-10: AU 2017 Convocation
– Jun 10: Deadline to register in a course starting July 1
– May 15: July degree requirements deadline
Student Lifeline ? Mental Health Support
Every year, one in five Canadians will experience a mental health problem, whether It’s a struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction, severe stress, or another issue. And millions more will be affected by a mental health issue in someone they love.
Contact Student LifeLine any time, 24/7 at 1-800-567-2255 (TTY:1-877-371-9978) to speak to a caring, professional consultant for expert advice and confidential support.
This is a FREE service for all AUSU members!
You can also log in to (username: AUSU, password: wellness) to access a wealth of helpful articles and resources.
Fill our out Survey for a Chance to Win!
We need your feedback! We want to know how we can best serve you, our members, and make sure you have a positive experience with AUSU and at Athabasca University! Please fill out AUSU’s Services Survey.
Over $500 in prizes will be given away to members who fill out our survey! Prizes include gift cards to a store of the winners? choosing (2X $100, 4 X $50, 4 X $25) and some great AUSU swag!
Deadline: Wednesday, May 24, 2017
AUSU Emergency Bursary
Did you need a supplemental exam or course extension due to extenuating circumstances? Struggling with finances?
Apply for AUSU’s Emergency Bursary! Applications accepted anytime. Find out more on our website here.