AUSU Update!

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Student Lifeline – Caregiving

Maybe you’re caring from a distance for an aging parent. Or perhaps you’re caring at home for a loved one who has a serious illness or disability. Student LifeLine has resources to support you with all your caregiving needs, from finding services to handling the emotional toll of caring for a loved one. They also have resources to help you prepare for end-of-life issues.

Contact Student LifeLine any time, 24/7 at 1-800-567-2255 (TTY:1-877-371-9978) to speak to a caring, professional consultant for free expert advice.

You can also log in to (username: AUSU, password: wellness) to access a wealth of helpful articles and resources, such as:

  • Homepage feature on Caregiving articles, infographics, toolkits, and more
  • New series of Caregiver Audio Tips
  • Caregiving Tips for the Sandwich Generation podcast
  • Article on Planning for Incapacity and End-of-Life Decisions

This is a FREE service for all AUSU members!  

Student Lifeline provides help and support 24/7 for any issues, from health, wellness, work, life, money, school, community referrals, and more!



FREE Access


Did you know AUSU provides a FREE subscription to to all AUSU members? is the world’s premier video training website. You can learn anything from Office, Adobe Cloud, Windows, Computer Programming, Photography, Photoshop, Graphics Design, Marketing, to Game Design, and much more!

Get your free access on the AUSU website here.


AUSU Website Poll

Did you know AUSU has a new poll on our website every 2 weeks? Visit our homepage at, scroll to the bottom right, and take our poll!

Check back for a new one ever other week!