Not many students seem to know that we have classified advertisement space available for free. If you’ve got textbooks you want to get rid of, or perhaps you’re looking for someone to buy them from, it certainly can’t hurt to let us know here at The Voice Magazine. Up to fifty words and we’ll even include a small picture and a link, all for free for AU students.
But it’s not just textbooks, this week, we got a request from a student who has recently published a book of poetry, wondering if there was some way she could get the word out in The Voice Magazine. I was only too happy to be able to tell her about the classified space. So, if you like poetry, perhaps now might be a good time to check out our advertisment, and from there, her book. It’s inexpensive and you’ll be supporting a fellow AU student.
In other news this week, there was also a surprise meeting of AUSU Council. With barely a days notice, a special meeting of Council was called, with a single motion on the agenda. The motion was to set the date of the next AUSU election for February 28. This might seem early to you, and that’s because it is. Council has decided to move the election up a few weeks to ensure that there’s more transition time available to bring the next council, and particularly the next executive, up to speed before the transfer of power. Having been on council myself, I can only say that this is a good thing, as while there are usually a couple of councillors who stay on from one term to the next, the learning curve to being a truly effective council is steep, and there are also certain issues that have to be dealt with through the government of Alberta that take time to process (such as getting the new executives membership in the Board of Governors and General Faculty Council).
Meanwhile, this week in The Voice Magazine, our feature article is about some of the benefits of writing for The Voice Magazine. More writers mean more perspectives on being an AU student, and more people with incentive to spread word of the magazine, so I’m always happy to get contacts from peope who are interested. However, wanting to write and actually writing are different things. Most of the people who contact me about writing never do submit an article, and that’s okay. It just means I value the ones who do submit even more.
We also have the return of a writer from years ago. John Buhler used to regularly write for The Voice Magazine almost a decade ago. He returns this issue with his review of War Horse, just in time for Remembrance Day.
Also this week, we have a new instalment of Survival in the Garret, this time with fashion advice for the student on a bohemian budget, as well as our Not-So Starving Student writing about elevating student budget meals. All of which means you can save your pennies for the things that really matter, buying the stuff advertised in our classified advertisements! (You knew I’d get back around to that somehow, didn’t you?)
And we haven’t forgotten what you need to know about AU: events, scholarships, AUSU information, what’s going on in social media, and plenty more to keep you thinking and procrastinating at the same time.
Enjoy the read!