Every student agrees that education is expensive, but not every student is prepared to do anything about it. Twice each year, AUSU doles out thousands of dollars in scholarships, but only a small number of students bother to apply. AUSU can’t give you this money—even if you are the best qualified—unless you get your application in.
Can’t be bothered to apply? Here’s a look at what money you could be throwing out the window:
Academic Achievement Scholarships. You can’t win unless you get your application in! Despite being the easiest award to apply for, surprisingly few people bother to complete an application. Last award deadline, in October 2017, only 65 AUSU members applied for this award. Since there’s no way of knowing what the highest GPA will be turn out to be from among the pool of applicants, it’s not safe to assume that your GPA is too low. Completing and submitting an application for the Academic Achievement award takes no more than five minutes, including the time it takes to download an official transcript preview from myAU. If you have completed 30 credits at AU, even if you’re not registered in an AU program, submit your application for this award for your chance at two awards of $1000 each.
Balanced Student Award. Probably most AU students find themselves juggling their studies with other commitments. That doesn’t explain why only 30 applications were received for this award last October. If you can explain in 300 or so words how you balance your studies with other commitments, and you’ve completed at least 12 AU credits and have a GPA higher than 2.0, then consider applying for this award. You’ll need to provide two reference letters with the application, so don’t leave this until the last minute. There are four awards of $1000 up for grabs, so well worth the effort.
Returning Student Award. Again, an award that many AU students qualify for, but few apply. Last October only 36 applications were submitted. If you were away from formal schooling for two or more years before beginning your studies at AU, and you’ve completed at least 12 AU credits and have a GPA higher than 2.0, get busy on this one. You’ll need to compose an essay of 300 or so words describing the challenges of returning to school for a chance at four awards worth $1000 each.
Student Volunteer Awards. Your best odds are right here: only 10 applications were received for this award last October. If you engage in any volunteer activities, and you’ve completed at least 12 AU credits and have a GPA higher than 2.0, why on earth wouldn’t you try for this award? Describe your volunteer activities in 300 or so words, gather a reference letter from someone who’s familiar with wonderful you, and you may be on your way to one of two awards of $1000 each.
#Igo2AU Award. Revised criteria for this award since its introduction last October may mean fewer applicants. Last October, applicants could participate by submitting either an essay or a video, but this time round the only option is video. Whether this will mean fewer or more than the 55 applications received last time is anybody’s guess. You don’t have to have completed any minimum number of AU credits for this $1000 award. Just create and post a 2-minute video about your AU experience, and fill in your application along with the link to your video. Bonus: for the May 2018 award cycle only, AUSU will award three #Igo2AU awards of $1000 each instead of the usual one.
For more information about each of these awards, including the full eligibility criteria, application requirements, and the online application form, go to: www.ausu.org/services/scholarships-awards/may-nov-application/. AUSU also has a suite of bursaries for students in financial need; you can read about all AUSU’s bursaries, awards, and scholarships at www.ausu.org/services/scholarships-awards/.
Can you afford to throw money out the window? If not, get your AUSU award applications in before the May 1, 2018 deadline.