AthaU FaceBook Group
Amanda shares her celebratory feelings about finishing the last exam for her BHR/LR program; way to go, Amanda! Avital seeks recommendations for PSYC courses. Chanelle wonders what happens if she withdraws from a course while on OSAP; one responder suggests there’s a one-time grace for a withdrawal.
Other posts include the BGS program, Edmonton study buddy, LPN to RN bridge, and courses ACCT 355, ADMN 417, EDPY 200, and GOVN 301.
@AthabascaU tweets: “Need to get in touch with your #AthabascaU tutor? #AskAU.”
@AU_Press tweets: “Why do we need stories about sports? Our next book *tackles* this question. #sportlit.”
April 27 is Morse Code Day, and what better way to celebrate than by watching this Morse Code Day April 27 video!