AthaU Facebook Group
Elli makes a comparison of getting a degree to getting a wax; painfully true! Dustin asks for feedback on studying languages at AU; several students share their experiences. Kish seeks clarification on whether to book exams with ProctorU or AU first; most responders say ProctorU first, but Kerri says for ProctorU exams, students should book with AU first (the opposite of the procedure for in-person invigilation.)
Other posts include the BHRLR program, most and least favourite courses, and courses EDUC 317 and HRMT 322.
@AthabascaU tweets: “Looking for experience in a university atmosphere? #AthabascaU is #NowHiring a variety of summer students for temporary employment. Apply now —> #yycjobs #yegjobs #abjobs.”
@AthabascaUBiz tweets: “Leaving your convocation plans until the last minute? Check the Countdown to Convocation page to get back on track. See you June 8-9! #AthaU18 #CountingDownTheDays.”
Watch the Honourable Marlin Schmidt, Minister of Advanced Education, field questions about AU from Colin Piquette, MLA for Athabasca-Sturgeon-Redwater, during a recent question period in the AB Legislative Assembly in May 8, 2018 QP Athabasca University, posted by Jossycakes.