Maintaining a clear brain for studying and learning is vital to getting the most out of your education. So, when brain fog and lethargy become an all too familiar experience, it may be time to examine your diet. Study the food you’ve been eating and begin to clear the fog with healthier foods and supplements to get those ideas radiating again.
Most of us are aware how poisonous too much sugar can be to our ability to focus and think clearly. However, many of us remain oblivious to how much hidden sugar there is in items we consume every day. For instance, how much sugar is loaded into your Starbucks latte, topped with whipped cream? How much sugar is lurking in that can of pop? While we may feel entitled to treats like this, you may want to rethink how often you’re imbibing. A once a week or month treat is less harmful than a daily dose of sugar saturation. I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but your brain will be grateful as it emerges from brain fog. Then your brain can help the rest of you make better decisions and write better essays!
According to the article “Follow a healthy diet” at, you can improve brain function by incorporating certain foods into your diet. Suggestions range from more blue and purple antioxidant-packed food choices, such as blackberries, to more greens, like cucumbers and peas. Indeed, eating a variety of fruit and vegetables is beneficial. We are so lucky to have such a great selection to choose from, especially now that the growing season has arrived.
Remember, as well, to choose high fibre breads and cereals and steer clear of too much animal product, such as dairy and meat. Give those poor animals a break. Fish and nuts are more nutrient-rich options. Sorry fish! But a variety of healthy vegetarian meals can also bring our brains back to life.
While the number of supplements available is overwhelming and expensive, you can’t go wrong taking a daily multi-vitamin. Further, what you cut out can make a huge difference. Instead of pouring on the salt, flavour your food with herbs and spices. Also, a sprinkling of nuts adds texture and nutrition to an array of dishes. Have fun and experiment with what appeals to your particular palate.
Drinking healthy quantities of water every day goes a long way in keeping everything, including your brain, running optimally under all circumstances. It’s also available for free from taps everywhere!
For people on the run, herbal supplements can be a convenient brain booster. Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola, and Ashwaghanda are noted brain aids. Although somewhat unpronounceable, a health food store worker will be happy to point you in the right direction of good brain supplements—a worthwhile investment!
Stop letting your taste buds, which may be accustomed to food additives, dictate what your body needs. Inject your diet with a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, cut back on the so-called convenience foods, and schedule a few hours for healthy food preparation every week. Your newly sharpened, vital brain will thank you for it!