Course Exam—NUTR 330

Introductory Nutrition

NUTR 330 (Introductory Nutrition) is a three-credit Nutrition survey course which provides the scientific fundamentals of the current understanding of nutrition.  To enrol into this course students will need to request permission before registering.  Senior high school chemistry and biology courses are strongly recommended.  This course may not be suitable for general interest students as it is intended for students who plan to also take NUTR 405.  If you are a student with just a general interest of the topics discussed, you are advised to take NUTR 331 instead.

Introductory Nutrition is made up of of twelve units, one assignment weighing twenty-five percent, one online midterm weighing thirty percent, and an online final exam weighing forty-five percent.

This course discusses the characteristics of the major nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and describes their dietary roles.  NUTR 330 also addresses the topics of energy balance and the evaluation of nutritional status.  To pass this course, students must submit the assignment and obtain a mark of at least sixty percent on that assignment.  You must also obtain a grade of at least fifty-five percent on the final examination and obtain a course composite grade of at least a “C-“ (which is equivalent to a sixty percent).

Teresa Bosse is the Academic Expert for NUTR 330. She states “I am a former Tutor, now Academic Expert for Nutr 330.  I hold a B.Sc. Home Economics (Nutrition) and an M.Sc. Nutrition from the University of Alberta.  I have been involved with Nutrition 330 at AU for a long time, in fact, I was the original author of this course.  Before coming to AU, I spent several years as a Sessional Instructor in the Foods and Nutrition Department, Faculty of Home Economics, U of A.  I also spent fifteen years at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals (now Pfizer) as a rep for nutritional products.  I returned to AU in 2005 and rediscovered my enjoyment of teaching and working with students in the field I love – nutrition.  I also spend time volunteering at a continuing care centre here in Edmonton, practicing yoga, hiking, golf and cross-country skiing, and yes – cooking.”

She continues, “My initial term at AU was between 1985 and 1992, as the original author and course coordinator for Nutrition 330.  Back then, the course was delivered by hard copy and telephone.  The internet was still in its infancy! I returned to AU in 2005, after 15 years in the pharmaceutical industry, and have been the primary tutor/Academic Expert and exam marker for Nutrition 330.  I have also contributed to course revisions.  In these last 13 years, I have seen dramatic advances in the online delivery of AU courses.”

When asked to provide a description of NUTR 330, she states “Nutrition 330 provides the core information of an introductory course in nutrition, but at a level which requires a good understanding of biology and chemistry.  Students will learn how nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates and fat, and vitamins and minerals function at the cellular level.  In addition to nutrient functions and food sources, methods of dietary assessment and diet planning are also covered.”

Teresa Bosse continues, “Nutrition 330 is a three credit Senior Science course.  A text book, Understanding Nutrition, Whitney, Rolfes, Hammond and Piche, 1st Ed., as well as a detailed Study Guide provide the core information.  Currently, the text book is a hard copy while the Study Guide is online.  A new course revision is pending, and the hard copy of the text book will be replaced by an eText, written by the same authors.  This text book is also used for Nutrition 405, the follow-up course to Nutrition 330.  This is a great text book – filled with illustrations and extras on a wide variety of health topics.”

When asked to describe the structure of the courses, she states “The assessments are based on a midterm exam (30% ) a final exam (45%) and one assignment (25%).  Exams are written online.  The assignment makes this course a personal learning experience.  Students will record their food intake and activity for two days and execute a full nutritional assessment using an online diet analysis program and propose modifications for improvement.”

She continues, “Success in NUTR 330 is dependent on some basic knowledge of biology and chemistry.  There is a fair amount of content to cover, but most students find the information interesting and relevant to daily living.   Students with a background in health care have ideal prerequisites, but anyone with an interest in food and nutrients can do well, with focused study.  Academic Experts are always available to assist students needing additional explanation of concepts.”

When asked what students struggle with the most, she states “Students most commonly struggle with the large amount of course material in Nutrition 330 when preparing for exams.  However, the course and exams are based on learning objectives which help students focus on the most important concepts and facts.”

So who would she recommend this course to?  “Of course, we think everyone should take it!” she begins, “But seriously, anyone in a health care profession who wants a science and evidence – based understanding of nutrition will benefit.  Athletes who depend on optimum nutrition for peak performance enjoy NUTR 330.  Need a senior science option for any degree?  Nutrition 330 is a perfect choice because you can immediately apply what you learn to daily living.”

Teresa Bosse concludes by noting, “What will students take away from Nutrition 330? The greatest benefit from taking this course is getting the nutrition facts right.  Consumers are bombarded with an incredible amount of misinformation, fad diets, and general confusion about food and nutrition.  Nutrition 330 provides the foundation on which to discern what is fact and what is “fake news”.  The other benefit is the opportunity to put one’s diet under the microscope and assess it based on validated assessment tools.  The ultimate goal of Nutrition 330 is to provide the foundation for an understanding of nutrition so that healthy choices in daily living  can be made.”

Whether NUTR 330 is a program requirement of yours or Introductory Nutrition is of interest to you, you will gain knowledge of the current understanding of nutrition, which in return could benefit your overall health.