AthaU Facebook Group
Michael is looking for fellow students taking SOCI 287 or 288 starting in July, he’s found a couple so far. Meanwhile, Isabella is moving into a teacher’s prep program as she finishes off her undergrad degree and was looking for advice on transcripts, but also started a conversation on what kind of teacher’s preparation programs there are.
Dustin started a conversation about students outside of Alberta or Ontario, and got replies from as far as China and as close as Manitoba.
Other posts include questions about BIOL 480, CLAS 309, HSRV 201, and former AUSU president Shawna Wasylyshyn posting her gratitude for AU & the people she met while there.
YYC_man asks how many hours people at AU are studying for a three-credit course. A variety of responses come back, including one person who listed the total hours they put into various courses, ranging from under 80 to over 400. That’s dedication!
@AthabascaU tweets: “Your mom? Your best friend? Who would you like to thank for helping you achieve your graduation dreams? #MondayMotivation #AthaU18”
@AthabascaUSU (AUSU) tweets: “Outstanding news for Athabasca University and all AUSU members!