Editorial—And the Award Goes To

I have been informed that I am unpleasant to be around when I am sick. This comes as no surprise, as I find myself quite unpleasant to be around when I am sick and tend to wish I wasn’t around at all.  It also tends to make me work slow and my brain is foggy, so if you spot any errors in this week’s magazine, please let me know and accept my apologies in advance.  You may get a package of swag from The Voice Magazine as a thank you, which fortunately never had to pass through my hands—meaning you don’t have to worry about catching anything.

On the bright side, being slow this week meant that I had not started my editorial yet when I learned that one of our own writers recently won the 2018 Barbara Novak Award for Excellence in Humour and/or Personal Essay Writing, presented by the Professional Writers’ Association of Canada.

Specifically, it was awarded for the article “The Many Facets of Mom”, first published as the Featured article in the May 12, 2017 edition of The Voice Magazine (Vol 25, Issue 19).

Which means we can say that The Voice Magazine has award winning editors, writers, and articles now!  Think about how it might look if you could put “wrote for the award winning The Voice Magazine” on your resume!  That’s something all our writers can do, and deservedly so.

Our congratulations to out to Barbara. We knew it was a great article when we first published it, that others have recognized that too isn’t really a surprise, but still great to see.

Aside from that, Barbara has another article in this week’s magazine, this one reporting on the recent AU Student Townhall meeting held in Ottawa.  She gives you a few details on what you might not have already seen on the facebook feed, and if you didn’t know about it in the first place, all the information you need so you can see it for yourself.

And our feature article this week is a great interview with AUSU’s Executive Director that looks at what’s been happening with AUSU over the last year and, more importantly, what’s coming up for students in the future!

Plus, new writer Tania Parker has her opening article in this week, with her look at an issue that still raises hackles with some students, e-texts.  Read her perspective about what it means when confronted with e-texts and the realities of student life.

And don’t forget our reviews, events, scholarships, advice and more!

Enjoy the read!


(Note: 3:00pm September 25th– The Voice Website had some serious issues as our hosting provider had a catastrophic failure which required disaster recovery services.  All data was restored, and we’re back and running! But because of the delay, we’re going to be leaving this issue up until October 5th so it has it’s proper time in the sun (especially because we want news of that award to get out!).  As for me? I’m going to stick my head in a pot of steam and quite possibly not emerge until after the weekend. Flu sucks, people.)