Student Sizzle!

Following What's Hot around AU's Social Media Sites!

AthaU Facebook Group

Thomas wonders who to contact about a course that’s currently listed as under revision; anyone know what’s going on with CRJS 490?  Rebecca asks how to change her exam date to a week later; responders let her know she only has to clear it with the invigilator since it’s within 10 days of the original date.

Other posts include course extensions and wrapping up a degree.


A flurry of course-related questions about ACCT 351/352, COMP 410, and HLST 201.


@AthabascaU tweets:  “#AthabascaU is #NowHiring an Individualized Study Tutor for Indigenous Resistance & Indigenous Governance. Responsible for providing academic support to students & marking assignments, the ideal candidate would have a Master’s degree in Indigenous Studies.”

@AthabascaUBiz tweets:  “#AthaUBiz students are you ready to become #CEOx1Day? Applications are NOW OPEN for @CEOX1day. Read more about this exciting opportunity here:”