Student Sizzle!

Following What's Hot around AU's Social Media Sites!

AthaU Facebook Group

Toni seeks advice to get back on track; many encouraging responses posted.  Mark is considering challenging several courses and seeks feedback from students who have gone this route.  Paul starts a conversation on the academic ramifications of a “W”.

Other posts include references for grad study applications, average marking times, accessing course materials, and courses ENGL 305,  INST 370, and PSYC 345.


@AthabascaU tweets:  “Introducing #AthabascaU‘s new Writer in Residence:”

@austudentsunion tweets:  “Need a health care plan but cannot afford one? Check out AUSU’s Health Plan Bursary, worth up to $1000 towards a health plan.  Applications accepted anytime.”


A challenge for students from AU’s president in the one-minute Student Services Quick Comments, posted by Athabasca University.