AthaU Facebook Group
Robin seeks advice on how many courses to take at a time while working full time (and with two young children); many responses came and, so far, the one-at-a-timers are winning. Lauralee wonders how long it takes for final marks to show up after all assignment grades are posted; no clear consensus on who she could contact. Lots of great feedback for Emily, who asks how grad programs at AU compare to other distance programs.
Other posts include library orientation, switching programs, the key to being a true AU student, sociology, the MHS program, and courses HSRV 201 and SOCI 305.
A student posts that their online exam has not been marked over a month after taking it. Responders urge them to contact their tutor or course coordinator right away. T’ain’t normal!
@AthabascaU tweets: “New Year’s Resolution for #AthabascaU Learners. #1 Focus on what matters (and by focus on it we mean it and not Twitter on your cell phone) #NewYearsResolutions #Resolutions.”
@austudentsunion tweets: ” Unexpected needs can happen. If you need a course extension, late exam, or supplemental exam but cannot afford it, AUSU may be able to help. Check out our Emergency Bursary at . Applications accepted anytime.”