AthaU Facebook Group
Isabella wonders if she needs to wait for her final marks before she can apply to graduate; short answer is “nope!” Courtney asks if other students have tried doing courses quickly, one at a time, rather than several at once; overwhelmingly, they have.
Other posts include AU library, going from laptop to tablet, forum post emails, and courses ACCT 250, COMP 232, ENGL 255, MKTG 440, POLI 277, and PSYC 300.
@AthabascaU tweets: “We’re looking forward to @katherenav’s inaugural writer-in-residence talk at @AthabascaU on February 27. See you there! …”
@austudentsunion tweets: “Check out the results of our 2018 Student Services Survey at . Great feedback from our membership, which will help us plan priorities for the upcoming year! #yourvoicematters #igo2AU.”