AthaU Facebook Group
Jeff wonders if he should take ECON 247 and ECON 248 at the same time; responders agree that one at a time is best, with ECON 247 being first. Angela seeks help with a website citation; the AU library and help are just a phone call away. Sharaya wonders what the cut-off is between full-time and part-time for funded students.
Other posts include AU’s French program, textbooks for sale, course evaluations, self-plagiarism, and the weekly question about easy courses.
A few new posts have shown up, including one asking if a student can enrol in two AU programs simultaneously, and another griping about the transfer credit fee.
@AthabascaU tweets: “Distinguished Alumni, The Rising Star, The Volunteer Service, & The Future Alumni Award nominations are NOW OPEN. Nominate an outstanding #AthabascaU graduate who is making a difference in their community”
@austudentsunion tweets: “Did you know AUSU posts its financial statements and budget online? We know – exciting stuff – but we want to know we strongly believe in full transparency with our membership! …“