AthaU Facebook Group
Jason hints that he’ll soon be looking for research subjects; a queue begins forming immediately. Wayne wonders how to tell if a course’s exam is online or paper; replies suggest that info isn’t always easy to find. Angela seeks feedback on student loans versus lines of credit; lots of province-specific feedback flows in.
Other posts include slacking tutors, Degreeworks, program costs, returnable software, and using a smart TV to watch course videos.
A pair of questions about courses NURS 328 and NUTR 331.
@AthabascaU tweets: “We’re looking for our #AthabascaU graduate superstars who will be at Convocation for a little video project! Interested?? #AthaU19.”
@austudentsunion tweets: “Finished any AU courses recently? Fill out a peer course evaluation on our website – or check out what other students had to say about a course at .”