Student Sizzle—AU Social Media

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AthaU Facebook Group

JoAnne introduces a thread about managing distractions when using e-texts; varying techniques are reported, including switching to the unplugged version (real texts.)  Faye is curious if she’ll be notified when her tutor receives her paper exam; Denise shares the secret of finding out.

Other posts include Trello, Degreeworks, and courses ACCT 352, CMIS 245, SOCI 321, and PSYC 395.


A flurry of questions on taking courses as an unclassified student, completing BIOL 235 in under a month, and courses CHEM 330 and COMP 210.


@austudentsunion tweets:  “Need to travel for an @AthabascaU exam, practicum or other course related trip, but don’t have the funds to cover it? AUSU has a Travel Bursary for students in financial need to help pay for travel expenses!  #igo2au.”

@AthabascaUBiz tweets:  “The deadline for abstracts for the 2019 Graduate Student’s Conference is August 1.  More details here:  (Pssst Funding Opportunities are available!) @AUGSA @fgsathabascau.”