AthaU Facebook Group
What do you do when life throws you a curveball? That’s what one student is seeking feedback on as she contemplates how to get through her current courses. In other posts, Paul celebrates being awarded AU’s Academic Achievement Scholarship, and Kayla wonders if it’s possible to switch tutors during a course. And congratulations to AU student Dorothy who is celebrating the release of her first published book, Summer North Coming!
Other posts include citation tools, career options, online plagiarism checkers, effective note-taking, and courses HLST 200, SOSC 366, and SPAN 200.
@austudentsunion tweets: “Check out our latest AUSU Open Mic Podcast – a Get out the Vote special edition with guest speakers @CASAACAE National Advocacy Director Emma Walsh and @AUGSA VPEX Mary-Anne Parker, all about the upcoming election! #iwillvote #igo2AU.”
@AULibArchives tweets: “Getting ready for the @AthabascaU Learning Conference, check out the great presentations on the docket (including a few library presentations!): #AULC2019.”